
阅读下面这首宋诗,完成小题。和董传①留别苏轼粗缯大布裹生涯,腹有诗书气自华。厌伴老儒烹瓠叶②,强随举子踏槐花③。囊空不办寻春马,眼乱行看择婿车④。得意犹堪夸世俗,诏黄⑤新湿字如鸦⑥。(注)①董传:字至和,洛阳(今属河南)人。曾在凤翔与苏轼交游,即将赴汴京春试。②瓠叶:化用《诗经·小雅》“幡幡瓠叶,采之亨之”(“亨”同“烹”)的典故,言其宴席上菜肴粗陋、简约。③踏槐花:唐代有“槐花黄,举子忙”俗语,阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能够回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Dear Trudy,     Thank you for remembering my big day! I tried to forget it, but when your gift arrived I was really happy. I love the cookbook. I saw it in stores and thought it looked interesting.  And it is! Today's dinner comes straight from it.     Thanks again.                                                                                                                               MaryDear Heather,     The pants you gave me are gorgeous! I can't believe you made them yourself. They look like something from a boutique (精品店). With a gift like this, I'm not worried about being another year older.     Best wishes.                                                                                                                              NancyDear Friends,     Thank you for turning my birthday into a concert. I'm so happy now! I'll never forget that special day.  I'm very lucky to have you as friends and neighbors!                                                                                                                              Yours.                                                                                                                              Harry1. The three letters are all ______.A. reports    B. thank-you notes    C. invitations    D. birthday cards2. Mary got ______ on her birthday.A. pants    B. a dinner    C. a cookbook    D. a concert ticket3. The underlined word "gorgeous" means "______".A. beautiful    B. different    C. important    D. necessary4. Harry spent his birthday ______.A. in a store    B. cooking dinner    C. in a boutique    D. listening to music5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Mary learned a lot from the cookbook.B. Heather bought the pants from a boutique.C. Trudy gave Mary a gift for her birthday.D. Harry's friends are also his neighbors.
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