
规范操作是实验成功的保证,下列实验操作正确的是( )A. 加大理石 B. 取烧碱C. 称粗盐的质量 D. 量水的体积 答案:【答案】D【解析】A、向试管中添加固体药品时应该做到一平二放三慢竖,错误;B、瓶盖应倒放在桌面上,错误;C、称量质量时左物右码,错误;D、量取液体读数时,视线要与液体的凹液面最低处相平,正确。故选D。1.If you _______ your dreams, you’ll succeed in the future. (坚持)2.Everyone should play a part in ___________________. (拯救地球)3.Good friends are very important. They can __________ to our lives. (影响)4.Many teenagers are worried about global warming and hope to do what they can for the planet.(__________)5.Money makes the world go round, but it’s not the key to happiness! (__________)
化学 试题推荐