
阅读下面的文字,完成小题。材料一 11月7日至9日,来自世界各地的嘉宾齐聚乌镇,围绕“创造互信共治的数字世界一~携手共建网络空间命运共同体”主题,纵论网络空间发展大势大计,展示信息技术创新成果成就,共商数字经济合作思路途径。大会组委会发布了《乌镇展望2018》成果文件,从互联网发展与创新、网络文化、数字经济、网络安全和互联网治理五个方面对全球互联网作出了总结和展望。《世界互联网发展报告2018》和《中国互联网发展【1】The empty cupboard was witness of his poverty.【2】He is honest and hard-working, but his twin brother just does opposite.【3】You should not flee out responsibility.【4】The document urged the university into allow women to study medicine at the institution.【5】By no means shall we abandon search for the missing plan.【6】He was rushing back to help them out poverty.【7】How much longer is thing going to drag in.【8】Water was found at depth of 30 feet.【9】I was about to go out then it began to rain..【10】He is abandoned to read all kind of books in his spare time.
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