
“东汉前期,皇帝本人能够控制国家的政治权力。东汉中期以后,东汉政权内部出现了外戚、宦官轮流把持国家最高权力的局面。外戚、宦官交替专权,任用亲信,诛杀异己,导致政治腐朽不堪,社会混乱,人民遭殃。动摇了东汉的统治,加速了东汉王朝的衰亡。”该材料主要揭示的是( ) A . 东汉前期,皇帝本人能够控制国家的最高权力 B . 外戚、宦官交替专权,加速了东汉王朝的衰亡 C . 东汉晚期以后,出现了外戚宦官交替专权的局面 D . 东汉读短文,判断正“√”、误“×”。A mother horse is looking for water and grass with her son, the son asks his mother, what do water and grass look like? The mother answers, “The water is blue. It looks like the sky. The grass is not blue. It’s green and nice.” So the young horse looks for the water and grass. At last, he finds them.【1】It’s a fairy tale.(______)【2】The water is blue and looks like grass.(______)【3】The grass is green and looks like the sky.(______)【4】The mother horse finds the water and grass.(______)【5】The young horse is very clever(聪明的).(______)
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