
如图是被子植物花、受精过程及果实结构示意图,据图回答下列问题 (1) 构成花的主要结构是雄蕊和雌蕊,图一花的结构中,属于雄蕊结构的有[]和[]。 (2) 图一中标号[a]所示的过程称为。 (3) 图二示被子植物的受精过程,即[7]花粉管中的精子与胚珠中的(填名称)结合形成受精卵。 (4) 图三示被子植物的果实,标号[10]来自于图一中的。 (5) 某同学家的果园里桃树产量低,品质差,其父母引进青州蜜桃,采取【1】Nowadays many children often say that there is a g________ gap between them and their parents.【2】This is not a family where bad behaviour can be t________.【3】Next time we are on vacation, if you have an e________ like this you should call us.【4】The different attitude to the world is the biggest cause of problems between parents and t________.【5】Their little brother Tom is now old enough to be i________ of their parents.【6】The two men ________(交换) greetings, and then walked away.【7】It's an ________(学术的) question. Let's discuss it in groups.【8】I ________(赞成,同意) of your trying to earn some money, but please don't neglect your studies.【9】Most of his spare time was ________(致力于,献身) to the translation of those works.【10】What did he say in ________(解释) of his stupid behaviour?
生物 试题推荐