
阅读理解 Today I Ate a Rainbow is a useful game aboutour health. It makes eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables fun for kids! Inthe game, the teachers or parents use a colourful rainbow chart(图表) and bright colourful magnets(磁铁). Childrenknow about the fruit and vegetables they eat the whole day. “Sometimes it can bereally difficult to get children to eat their fruit and vegetables. ”says Mrs.Welles. “My little son is weak, and he doesn't like fruit or vegetables. Helikes to eat junk food. I think this chart can help him know about how muchfruit and vegetables he eats ever关于夏季风的叙述,不正确的是A.影响我国的夏季风有来自太平洋的东南季风,也有来自印度洋的西南季风B.我国东部受夏季风的影响都很明显C.夏季风带来的降水多集中在5~9月D.我国夏季普遍高温,南北温差不大,主要原因是受夏季风的影响
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