
听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 (1) Why will the speaker's uncle open the restaurants? A . To make profits. B . To feed the needy. C . To spread his recipes. (2) How will the speaker's uncle get the ingredients? A . By collecting unwanted things. B . By buying fresh vegetables. C . By getting cheap stuff at the market. (3) How can people receive food at the restaurant? A . Help themselves. B . Reserve in advance. C . Wait at tables. (4) What's the speaker's attitude towards his uncle's action? A . Supportive. B . Shock小俞对着山崖大喊一声,经过2s听到回声,那么小俞与山崖之间的距离大约是    m(空气中声速取340m/s).这种方法    (选填“能”或“不能”)用来测量地月之间的距离.
英语 试题推荐