
物久则废,器久则坏,法久则弊,改革创新历来是中华民族源远流长的精神财富。请阅读材料,探究下列问题:【经济篇】材料一:如下图【政治篇】材料二:及秦孝公用商君,坏井田,开阡陌,急耕战之赏……倾邻国而雄诸侯……至于始皇,逐并天下。——《汉书 食货志》【人物评价】秦始皇(下图),自古以来评说不一。李白赞他“秦王扫六合,虎视何雄哉!”;司马迁说他“刻薄寡恩,心如虎狼”……。请你也来评一评。 (1) 从材料一根据中文提示,填入下列短文中所缺的词(每空限填一词)My friend is Lily, she is really1.(有才能的)in music. I love music, too. We both like many kinds of2.(杂志) and we often study3.(一起).Last year, her mother4.(去世).She was very sad. I often saw her sit5.(静) in the classroom . She was 6.(瘦)than before, and She was not in good7.(健康). I tried to help her get8.(穿过)the sad days.9.(虽然) she still misses her mother, she becomes more outgoing now . I think she is confident(自信的)10.(足够)to face the difficulties.
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