
请根据图完成问题。 (1) 图中漏标的尺寸共有() A . 1处 B . 2处 C . 3处 D . 4处 (2) 通用技术实践课上,小明准备用160mm×45mm×8mm的钢板加工该零件,下列说法中不正确的是() A . 可用半圆锉来锉削加工R22的圆弧 B . 加工流程可以为:划线一冲眼→钻孔→锯割→锉削 C . 为防止钻屑伤手,在台钻上钻孔时要戴手套 D . 加工中需要用到钢直尺、钢锯、划规、麻花钻短文填词                                        Nelson Mandela, a freedom fighter , was active in fighting _______ the equal rights of the black.              1.______________         During the time w__________ Mandela lived, many blacks   2. ______________                  had no rights to _________(投票) and were out of work..     3. ______________            They were in a position ___________ they had either to accept 4. ______________       they were less important, ______ to fight the government.     5. _____________ Mandela called the blacks to _______ (攻击) the law. Only when 6._____________ the ____________(和平的)way was of no use did they answer  7._____________        violence with violence. So to __________ (实现)their dream,   8. _____________ they b______ up some government buildings. No matter how   9. ____________       hard they were meeting, nothing can _______ them struggling.  10. ____________
通用技术 试题推荐