
补全对话A. No, they aren't.B. He is reading a newspaper.C. Sure.D. What is she doing?E. What's on the table?Li Mei: (1)Bill: A picture.Li Mei: Can I have a look at it? Bill: (2)Li Mei: Oh, there's a beautiful woman in the picture. (3)Bill: She's making cakes.Li Mei: What's the man doing? Bill: (4)Li Mei: Look at the two boys. Are they playing cards?Bill: (5) They're drawing pictures.如图1是实验室制备气体的常用装置,请根据要求回答问题:(1)写出仪器b名称_____。(2)A装置制取氧气的化学方程式_____。(3)甲同学用内部带有多孔隔板的C装置作为实验室制取氢气的发生装置,收集氢气也可以用D装置,假如用E装置来收集氢气应该从_____端(填c或者d)通入,你认为用C装置代替B装置的优点是_____。(4)二氧化硫是无色有刺激性气味的有毒气体,密度比空气大,易溶于水,常用来漂白纸浆、毛、丝等,二氧化硫排放到空气中易形成酸雨。实验室收集和处理SO2气体的装置为_____(填序号)。
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