
阅读下列材料:材料 2009年,世界文化遗产布达拉宫共接待游客和朝佛群众78.25万人次,比上一年增加62%。西藏自治区文物局局 长喻达瓦说,除布达拉宫外,罗布林卡去年接待游客和朝佛群 众人数也达到了47.08万人次,这一数字比上年增长了72.4%。布达拉宫珍宝馆从去年8月正式对外开放至年底,累计接待游客2.8万余人次。近几十年来,中国政府先后两次对布达拉宫进行维修,总投入超过2亿元,第二次维修于去年正式结束。从2003年开始,西藏对布达A World of Color No matter where you go, colors are everywhere! And while the colors may be the same, their meanings change depending on the country.ColorsDifferent MeaningsGreenGreen means “hope” in Ecuador. In the U.S., it’s a symbol of money and concern for the environment.PurplePurple is worn by kings and queens in Europe, while in Thailand, it’s worn by women whose husbands have died.BlackBlack is the traditional color of mourning(哀悼) in the West. But on the Pacific islands of Melanesia, it’s a symbol of beauty and speed.WhiteWhite is considered a pure color and is worn at weddings in America. In parts of Asia, however, white is worn to funerals(葬礼) as a sign of winter, when everything is dead.RedRed means “beautiful” in Russia, but in South Africa, it’s the color of mourning. In the United States, a bride would be criticized(批评) for wearing a red gown. In India or China, though, brides often wear red as a symbol of good fortune.Colors mean different things in different countries. No matter what the meaning is, color adds interest to our lives and makes them brighter.1.In the US if you prefer the color_____, it will probably show that you are concerned about the environment. A. green B. purple C. black D. white2.How many colors mentioned in the passage can be used as a sign of mourning?A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. D. Two.3.If a bride is wearing a red gown in the wedding, she must come from_____.A. Thailand B. America C. India D. South Africa4.Which is true according to the passage?A. White stands for purity in China. B. An American bride will wear a red gown on the wedding.C. Black is a symbol of beauty and speed in the west.D. Purple is worn by kings and queens in Europe5.What can we infer from the passage?A. All the colors have different meanings in different countries.B. From country to country, people view colors differently.C. All the brides from China prefer to wear white gowns.D. White is considered a pure color and often worn to funerals. 
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