
阅读下面的文言文,完成各题,萧振,字德起,温州平阳人。稍长,能自谋学。尝奉父命董农役陇亩,手不释卷,其师谓其父曰:“此儿远大器也。”未冠,游郡庠,既冠,升太学。时有号“三贤”者,推振为首。登政和八年进士第。调婺州兵曹兼功曹。振妇翁许景衡以给事中召,振祝之曰:“公至朝幸勿见荐。”景衡询其故,振曰:“今执政多私其亲,愿为时革弊,”景衡然之。时盗贼所在猖獗,婺卒扬言欲叛以应贼,官吏震恐。振选诸邑士兵强勇Rewrite the following sentences as required.【1】Does Wendy take any photos in the park? (改为肯定句)Wendy ________ ________ photos in the park.【2】Peter seldom goes to school late.(改为反义疑问句)Peter seldom goes to school late, ________ ________?【3】David usually plays the piano after school.(划线部分提问)________ ________ does David play the piano after school?【4】Angel is keen on all kinds of pop music.(保持句意基本不变)Angel is ________ ________ all kinds of music.【5】people, today, are, so, fast and accurate, them, use, that, still, abacuses________________________________________________________
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