
Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. It's natural to feel the need to control somethingwhen everything around you feels out of control, and you feel helpless. When a friendof mine first heard about the coronavirusoutbreak, she got down on her hands and knees and cleaned her kitchen floor. Shetold me, My floor wasn't even dirty, but doing something constructive mademe feel in control and that I was holding on to my power, despite the desperatecircumstances. Your most powerful weap依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是(    ) 灾难性的历史从来就有两个含义,即死去的历史和活着的历史。         ,       。       ,       。       ,      。只有在灾难的句号化为一片良药时,我们才有权力说灾难性的历史已经结束了。 ①活着的历史则贻害犹存 ②而是冷静的反省与清明的思辨 ③活着的历史属于现实 ④死去的历史徒具残骸而不能复生 ⑤但终结的方式,不是遮掩,不是忘却,不是佯装不知 ⑥死去的历史才是一种终结 A.④①③⑥⑤②          B.①④③⑥⑤② C.④①⑥③②⑤          D.①④⑥③②⑤
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