
阅读理解 Does the amount of cash in a lost walletinfluence how likely a person is to return it? Classical economic theoriessuggest that the greater the appeal, the less likely we are to be honest—but anew study turns the idea on its head, finding altruism(利他主义), and a powerful hate for viewing oneself as a thiefoutweigh the financial attraction. A team of researchers conducteda huge experiment concerning 355 cities in 40 countries. More than 17,000identical wallets were dropped off at public places, each containing a grocerylist, a key, and three business cards in the local langu 2011年5月份,美国密西西比河沿岸多个州市遭遇洪水威胁,造成重大财产损失。为保证“大灾之后无大疫”,防疫人员通过喷洒含氯消毒剂进行杀菌消毒,该含氯消毒剂为不饱和溶液,下列对不饱和溶液描述正确的是(  )。 A.一定是浓溶液 B.在一定温度下,一定量的溶剂里,不能再溶解该溶质的溶液 C.一定是稀溶液 D.在一定温度下,一定量的溶剂里,还能再溶解该溶质的溶液
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