
阅读理解 On a cold morning in 2015, five-year-old Lucas stood on the bank of Blue Star River, hugging a dead salmon(鲑鱼)against his thick yellow coat. He looked up at his father, Steve, who nodded encouragingly. Go ahead, he said. Put it in. The young boy dragged his feet forward and held the fish as far as he could into the shallow water. It's floating! Lucas yelled, delighted. For a moment, it's almost as if the handsome salmon could come back to life. Lucas' salmon was just one of 100 or so dead bodies that will land in Blue Star River in a half-hour activity this morning, delive下列句子中,翻译不正确的一项是( )A. 因寄所托,放浪形骸之外——因此寄托自己的情怀,而不受自身肉体的束缚B. 所之既倦——对(自己)所喜爱或得到的事物已经厌倦C. 所以兴怀,其致一也——所用以抒发内心感慨,人们的这种情趣是一样的D. 趣舍万殊——(人们)所好所恶,各不相同
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