
完形填空 Saying thank you can have positive effects on your health and the well-being of others. I once witnessed kindness from complete1 last year and it really impressed me. It was a sunny afternoon. It 2 me at first that my partner fall unconscious on the ground suddenly on our way to the office. Soon I realized that I had to calm down and call3 services. Within minutes, a police car and ambulance arrived4 with police and nursing staff. My partner was rushed to the5 where he received the care that he 6. Few days later, my partner got better, and I wrote thank-you notes to those 7police 读组图,完成下题。1.对组图中图甲和图乙的自然地理特征描述正确的是A.图甲多峡湾的原因是海浪的侵蚀作用B.图乙所示地区地形山河相间,山高谷深,南北纵列分布C.图甲所在半岛全是温带海洋性气候D.图乙比图甲的降水多,且分配均匀2.两图所示地区河流的共同特征是A.有多种补给水源 B.有较长的结冰期C.有凌汛 D.含沙量大
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