外研(新标准)版初中英语八年级上学期Module 5 Unit 3 Language in use.同步练习

外研(新标准)版初中英语八年级上学期Module 5 Unit 3 Language in use.同步练习
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1. 选词填空(词汇运用)

he, begin, bad, move, live, university, story, through

    Langston Hughes was a famous black poet (诗人). And he also wrote novels, plays and short

    Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, the US. He  with his grandmother in Lawrence, Kansas. She told him stories about their family. These stories made Hughes feel proud (自豪的) to be black. He  to write when he was living with her. During his life time, he wrote a lot about black people. his poems, novels and stories, Hughes helped other black people to see themselves as part of a much bigger group of people.

    After his grandmother died in 1915, he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, to live with mother and her new husband. Hughes went to high school there. His first short stories came out (出版) when he was still in high school.

    After finishing high school in 1920, he  to Mexico City to live with his father. Hughes had a very  relationship (关系) with his father. His father didn't want him to be a writer. He said that Hughes could go to only if he studied engineering (工程学). Hughes agreed. He went to Columbia University in New York City in 1921 but left the university in 1922 because of his colour.

2. 单选题
Did they decided ______ the job _______ Joe?

A . offer; in B . to offer; with C . to offer; to D . offer; to
3. 单选题
—What did Mrs. Smith say to you just now?

—She asked us ________in the river. It's dangerous.

A . not swim B . not to swim C . to not swim D . don't swim
4. 单选题
The most important thing we must do is _______ animals in danger.

A . save B . to save C . for save D . to saving
5. 完形填空

    Most people do not like to stay at home on vacation. They like to 1 to see something different or do something exciting.2 people from the country go to the city and 3 from the city go to the country for vacations.

    During vacations, trains, buses and air-planes are all 4. It is very hard to buy train or air 5. Usually many people take cars or buses for traveling on vacation. But which is the best way 6 on our trips? It's hard to say. Going by train doesn't cost as much as by plane, and taking buses 7 not as comfortable as taking trains.8 is cheaper (更便宜的) but slower to take a bus than to take a plane. So if you go to a farther place, you'd better 9 a train. You may also take a plane if you have enough money. And if you go to a 10 place, I think you should take a bus.

A . go on B . go out C . come back D . come in
A . But B . Or C . So D . While
A . those B . them C . their D . theirs
A . free B . easy C . special D . busy
A . passports B . cards C . tickets D . service
A . to go B . went C . go D . goes
A . are B . was C . were D . is
A . That B . This C . One D . It
A . took B . to take C . take D . taking
A . cleaner B . nearer C . more beautiful D . more
6. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
Yang Mi is one of the most popular a in China.
7. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
In our school, the fourth lesson in the morning often eat 11:30.
8. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
How is the life of the(普通的) people in India?
9. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
One of my favourite(小说) is Gone with the Wind.
10. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
They think the(魔术的) show is very interesting.