记叙文 知识点题库


为了鼓励学生参加户外活动,星光中学(Xingguang High School)近期举行了一次登山活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请写一篇短文,报道此次活动。内容包括:

1).时间与地点:4月10 日,大青山(Daqing Mountain)



注意:1) 提示词:relaxation (n.)放松;promote(vt.)促进;


In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise,



    An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated son. Suddenly a crow(乌鸦)perched(栖息)on their window.

    The father asked his son, "What is this?" The son replied, "It is a crow."

    After a few minutes, the father asked his son for the second time, "What is this?" The son said, "Father, I have just now told you, it's a crow!"

    After a little while, the old father again asked his son for the third time, "What is this?"

    At this time some expression of irritation(恼怒)was felt in the son's tone when he said to his father with a rebuff(生硬回绝). "It's a crow, a crow." A little while later, the father again asked his son the fourth time, "What is this?"

    This time, the son shouted at his father, "Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again, although I have told you so many times 'IT IS A CROW'. Are you not able to understand this?"

    A little while later the father went to his room and came back with an old tattered(发皱的)diary, which he had maintained since his son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary:

    "Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question. I did not at all feel irritated but I rather felt affection for my innocent son,






Paragraph 1:

    After reading the diary

Paragraph 2:

    Feeling ashamed, the son got down on his knees before his father


假设你是红星中学高三(1)班学生李华。上周六你和同学骑共享单车去购书时看到某些不文明现象。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“Our Meaningful Work”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍事情的整个过程。


提示词:共享单车shared bicycle

Our Meaningful Work


    Be kind to others. I realize this is simple and very basic. However, it is necessary and it does make a difference. I often have people who cross my daily path to whom I can show kindness. It is often just a smile. A smile often says, "I see you. You aren't invisible to me. You are important." People need someone to care about them.

    I read a story many years ago about a man who had decided to commit suicide. He'd lost a fortune, his family and nearly everything he owned. He went to a local pawn shop to buy a gun. He planned to take the gun back to his apartment in New York City and kill himself.

    As he was getting on the elevator, a little old lady was slowly getting on too. She had a small cart she was pulling behind her and was having a little trouble getting it into the elevator. He said that he was actually a bit angry because he wanted to hurry up, get to his apartment and end his own life. He reached out to the old lady's cart and forced it as it had become stuck. He got it free easily and she got on the elevator.

    After the door closed, she looked up at him with a big smile and said, "If we had more young men like you in this world, the world would be a better place. You are so kind to help. Such a sweet young man."

    Of course, it changed his thought of going back to kill himself. He wanted to go around New York and find people that he could help and people who were struggling even with something that was as small as the little old lady's cart.


Paragraph 1:

    That day, his life changed.

Paragraph 2:

    Later, he enjoyed great success in his work and life.




提示词: 物业 the management department

    Last week, a rest station was set up at my suggestion in our community. ……

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

    When I was in seventh grade, I was a candy striper (护士助手) at a local hospital in my town. I volunteered about 30 to 40 hours a week during the summer.

    Most of the time I spent there was with Mr. Green. He never had any visitors, and nobody seemed to care about his condition. I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him, helping with anything that needed to be done. He became a close friend of mine, even though he responded with only an occasional hold of my hand. Mr. Green was in a coma (昏迷).

    I left for a week for a vacation with my parents, and when I came back, Mr. Green was gone. I didn't have the courage to ask any of the nurses where he was, for fear they might tell me he had died. So with many questions unanswered, I continued to volunteer there through my eighth­grade year.

    Paragraph 1

    Several years later, when I was a junior in high school, I was at the gas station when I noticed a familiar face.

    Paragraph 2

    He began to tell me how, as he lay there comatose, he could hear me talking to him and could feel me holding his hand the whole time.


The big Town Hall clock was striking midnight when Frank began to cross the bridge. The dark night air was cold and wet, and the street lamps gave little light. Frank was anxious to get home and his footsteps rang loudly on the silent night.

When he reached the middle of the bridge, he thought he could hear someone coming near behind him. He looked back but could see no one. However, the sound continued, and Frank began walking more quickly. Then he slowed down again, thinking there was nothing to fear in a town as quiet as this. The short, quick steps grew louder until they seemed very near.

Frank found it impossible not to turn round. As he did so, he caught sight of a human from coming toward him. After reaching the other side of the bridge, Frank stopped and pretended to look down at the water. From the corner of his eyes he could now make out the form of a man dressed in a large overcoat. A hat was pulled down over his eyes and very little of his face could be seen.

As the man came near, Frank turned towards him and said something about the weather in an effort to be friendly. The man did not answer but asked roughly where Oakfield House was. Frank pointed to a big house in the distance and the stranger continued his way.

Then Frank wondered why the stranger had wanted to find Oakfield House at such an hour. He knew that the person who lived there was very rich. Almost without realizing what he was doing, Frank began following the stranger quietly.

The man was soon outside the house and Frank saw him look up at the windows. A light was still on and the man waited until it went out. When about half an hour had passed, Frank saw him climb noiselessly over the wall and heard him drop onto the ground at the other side. 

Paragraph 1:

Now Frank knew what the man wanted to do. ……

Paragraph 2:

Frank couldn't just stand in the dark and wait.……


Scholars think of the Baby Boom (婴儿潮) generation as those Americans born between 1946 and 1964. But in my opinion, a Baby Boomer is an American born after the Second World War who remembers the Apollo 11 moon landing. For those of us, Apollo 11 was the biggest thing that had ever happened in our lives. It marked our lives just as the Great Depression and the Second World War had marked our parents' and grandparents' lives. We were the last generation to have been born before humans became a space-faring species; we were the first generation to come of age as members of that space-faring species.

In July, 1969, I was eight years old. My parents, younger sister, and I were spending our first summer in our new house, which we moved into the last April. I was enjoying a typical child's summer filled with lemonade and watermelon, fireworks and hide-and-seek. And there was the moon, which made this typical child's summer become unusual.

I had taken to science early and was interested in the space program in particular. I never missed any launch on TV as well as the related reports in newspaper. In my eyes, rockets, spaceships, spacemen, and others about outer space were all so attractive that I could never resist them. What had been science fiction for my parents was science fact for me. And Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin were my heroes.

I followed every report about Apollo 11from beginning to end. On the morning of July 16, Saturn V rocket, the most powerful machine made by human beings, pushed the three astronauts on their way into history. I watched the news reports of the trip to the moon on TV. Finally, on the afternoon of July 20, 1969 Armstrong and Aldrin landed their lunar spaceship, the Eagle, on the surface of the moon. I can't remember exactly watching much more of the moonwalk; I was young and sleepy, so I went back to bed. I watched Armstrong and Aldrin leave the moon the following day for the journey home, which ended eight of the most extraordinary days in human experience and in the life of one eight-year-old boy.


Being children, my sister and I went to bed early on that exciting evening……


This little blue planet in only the beginning.


I walked home with my little brother every day the same way, past an old factory. Mom always told us to walk together and never to talk to strange men. One day, that walk home changed forever. As my brother and I passed the factory, I heard an old man's voice. "Hey there, children." I turned and saw a very old man standing there with a sweet smile on his face.

I was already hot from walking and carrying my heavy backpack, but I told him we were not allowed to talk to strangers. "Oh, I understand. And your mom's right. My name is Bobby. Now run along," he said as he disappeared behind the gate of the factory.

I went home and reported to my mom what had happened. My mother told me that I was right not to talk to strangers, so I tried avoiding this stranger for the following few days, but it was impossible. Other streets were not as safe to walk on, and every time we passed the factory, a familiar voice would say, "Hello there, children."

Then one day, my family was taking a walk around the neighborhood. We were just about to pass the factory when I noticed the gate was open. I silently prayed that Bobby would appear and prove once and for all that he was a "good" stranger. And there he was.

He smiled as he approached my parents, and greeted them warmly. The genuine smile and surprise on my parents' faces were all I needed to see.

They spoke for a few minutes and then, walking home, they said Bobby was a veteran(退伍军人)without a family but loved kids and that it would be safe for us to visit Bobby after school.

My brother and I would stop to visit Bobby after school every day after that. He would invite us into his tiny office to talk about my schoolwork, my friends, and sports.

It wasn't long before I started getting a few friends to walk home with me just to meet Bobby. Before long, a group of about fourteen kids went daily to visit Bobby and received our sodas and gum. Thinking back, I now realize that Bobby bought all those treats just for us… and there were a lot of us to treat!

We visited Bobby every day after school for about three years!






Paragraph 1:

My mother finally decided it was time to do something nice for Bobby.

Paragraph 2:

When Bobby died on a cold February afternoon, on the coffin (棺材) were three items he loved best:


Our washing machine needed to be fixed and we had called for a service person to mend it. The machine drum was making a lot of noise and the clothes were not being washed properly. The service man could only speak Spanish and it was a tough time for me to communicate with him. He was patient enough to let me know what was wrong with the machine and he conveyed the parts that were to be fixed. When the machine finally started working properly, I breathed a sigh of relief and asked about the service charge. The bill amount came to be around $41.3.

I quickly gave him a $50 note and requested the balance amount. When he searched his pocket and said that he had none, I went inside and started hunting for the exact change. All the time, at the back of my head I was scared that he might get his hands on something from the house. You see, there were expensive gadgets and jewels on the earrings stand hanging out there in the living room where he was waiting. And last time when I was getting my air conditioner fixed, I found my ring was lost. And the ring was from my grandma. The only guy that might take it was the service man, for we hadn't had any visitors. I even called him later but he said he did not see anything like a ring. I could feel from his voice that he was hiding something but I had no evidence of his stealing my ring.

My jewels were only a few steps from him and he could easily grab one without being noticed. I even kind of heard his steps in the hall.

In a hurry, I somehow fished out a $20 note, two separate $10 notes and the remaining tens. I rushed to the living room and immediately handed him the service charge. I wanted him to thank and leave but he stood there still.



His expression confused me.


Now I'm recollecting the incident as I write.


When most people look back on middle school, they remember their best friends, and so do I. But what I remember may be a little different. Let me explain.

My heart was pounding when I climbed onto the school bus on the first day of middle school. As I was looking for a seat, my eyes landed on two girls sitting together. They smiled at me and pointed to the seat next to theirs.

I sat down and we chatted. They were Heather and Jessica. It turned out that we had the first period together and we became friends. We ate lunch together, hung out in the park and played games in Jessica's room on weekends. But our friendship wasn't without its faults. Jessica had an "I'm-the-boss" personality. She always had to be in charge.

One time, the three of us went to the mall. I wanted to go to Abercrombie. But Jessica rolled her eyes and told me to go to Rave. Not wanting to argue, I followed her.

This skirt would look great on you. "Jessica exclaimed. "Try it on!"

"I don't like it," I said.

Jessica gave me a death glare so I made my way to the dressing room.

I ended up spending fifty dollars on a skirt that I didn't even like, just to make Jessica happy. Throughout the following year, this was how it was. If Jessica went somewhere, Heather and I went there too. I found I was behaving as a pretended version of myself just to please Jessica and to keep her from being mad at me.

Then, summer came. Jessica invited Heather and me to go to Cape Cod with her. I decided to go to Florida with another friend instead, so Jessica got angry. I went to Florida and didn't hear from her.




One day, my phone rang and the caller ID showed "Jessica".


Three days later, I received a text message from Jessica, reading "Can we have a talk?"


Jenny was a pretty eight-year-old girl.

One day when she and her mother were checking out at the grocery store, Jenny saw a plastic pearl necklace, by which she was totally defeated. How eagerly she wanted it! But when she saw the price, her heart sank a little. She gathered up her courage and asked her mother if she would buy it for her. Her mother said, "Well, it is a pretty necklace, but it costs an awful lot of money. I can buy you the necklace, but when we get home, we should make up a list of housework that you can do to pay for the necklace." Jenny agreed immediately, feeling a burst of joy. So her mother bought the pearl necklace for her. Jenny worked on her housework determinedly and earnestly every day. Soon Jenny paid off the pearls.

Jenny had a very loving daddy. When Jenny went to bed, he would read Jenny her favourite story. One night when he finished the story, he said, "Jenny, do you love me?" "Oh, yes, Daddy, you know I love you," the little girl said delightedly, with a broad smile on her face. "Well, then, give me your pearls." Hearing that, Jenny froze there, an anxious expression twisting her face. "Oh! Daddy, not my pearls! But you can have Rosy, my favourite doll. Remember her? You gave her to me last year for my birthday. Okay?" "Oh no, darling, that's okay." Her father brushed her cheek with a kiss, gently and calmly. "Good night, little one."

A week later, her father once again asked Jenny after her story, "Do you love me?" "Oh yes, Daddy, you know I love you," the little girl murmured softly, trying to escape from her father's eyes. "Well, then, give me your pearls. ""Oh, Daddy, not my pearls! But you can have Ribbons, my toy horse. Do you remember her? She is my favourite." The little girl begged. "No, that's okay," her father said, smiling broadly and sweetly and brushed her cheek again with a kiss. "God bless you, little one. Sweet dreams."


Several days later, when Jenny's father came in to read her story, Jenny was waiting anxiously for him on the bed.


Holding the plastic pearl his daughter offered, the father dragged out a blue box.

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The most delicious memories seem to happen during the holidays. And like a squirrel preparing for winter, I put them away to enjoy slowly during the long winter months. Sometimes, I enjoy them for years.

Among them are sweetest recollections: my little girls at the church play and the moment they got their first angel wings;a pink dolly stroller(手推车) wheeled into the bedroom with a tiny voice declaring, "Look what Santa Claus brought me! ";or New Year's snowmen wearing bright scarves borrowed from a grandma's fragrant drawer.

But there is one memory that is a little bitter-sweet—sort of like 80% dark chocolate, but still good for you.

This story brings to mind a colourful candy dish and a very little boy. The occasion was somewhere between Christmas and New Year's when a few candies in a dish remained behind, a bright spot in dull winter gray.

Wrapped in December's chill, my then 3-year old grandson, Justin, and I had dashed from the warmth of my parked car into the building where I planned to take care of a few work-related tasks.

A smiling secretary greeted us as we brushed the snowflakes and rubbed our hands to chase the cold. Then with my grandchild close to my side, I busied myself, finishing the items of business that had brought us there. But while his hand remained in mine, his eyes fell on the candy dish sitting nearby.

As we turned to leave, the thoughtful and very observant woman behind the desk asked the question all children wait to hear.

"Honey, " the kindly woman said, peering over her glasses at Justin. "Would you like a candy bar? " she asked, her hand pushing the dish close for an easier reach.

The boy looked up questioningly, his eyes meeting mine, permission hanging in the air. A slight nod from me and then a hurried beeline to the candy dish followed. One candy bar was already in his hand.

注意: 续写的词数应为150左右。

"Justin! " I said from the doorway.

In the humour of the moment, I felt something hard to swallow.

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Long ago, there was a big apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He climbed to the top of the tree, ate the apples, and took a nap under the shadow. He loved the tree and the tree also enjoyed playing with him.

As time went by, the little boy grew up and he no longer played around the tree. One day, the boy came back to the tree, appearing sad. "Come and play with me, " the tree asked the boy gently.

"I am no longer a kid;  I won't play around trees anymore, " the boy replied, "I want toys. I need money to buy them. "

"Sorry, but I don't have money. However, you can pick all my apples and sell them. Then, you will have money. " The boy was so excited that he picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy didn't come back after that.

The tree was upset.

One day, the boy returned and the tree was so joyful. "Come and play with me, " the tree said.

"I don't have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me? " "Sorry, I don't have a house. But you can cut off my branches to build your house. " So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left with delight.

The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn't appear since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.

One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. "Come and play with me! " the tree requested.

"I am sad and becoming old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat? " "Use my trunk to build the boat and you can sail and be happy. " So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and did not show up for a long time.

注意: 续写词数应为150左右。

Many years later, the boy finally returned.

The apple tree is our mother.


A Midnight Rescue

It was not uncommon to carry out tasks at night as rescuers. Harry and David were informed of their task when it was nearly midnight. It was urgent so there was no time to hesitate. They headed into the forest.

The forest was black and silent. A little way into it they reached a fork in the earth path. Harry and David took the left path. They walked in silence, their eyes on the ground, watching out for the traps like big pits (坑) set by the illegal hunters. Every now and then a ray of moonlight through the branches above lit a spot of scarlet (猩红的) blood on the fallen leaves.

David saw that Harry looked very worried, asking," Could Unicom be hurt that badly?" Harry answered, "If we can't find it as soon as possible, it doesn't stand much chance to survive." Of course, Unicorn was not the animal in fairy tales but the nickname of a 3-year-old elephant, the last wild elephant in this forest. The nickname was given by the biodiversity rescuers who were protecting every member in this forest. They knew Unicorn was obedient and not afraid of human beings and that sometimes put it in danger. "Without it, the forest was not complete. Those illegal hunters should be thrown into prison. " Harry thought, carrying his first aid kit (急救箱) on his back and walking forward with his flashlight.

It seemed that thick fog would come at any time, which would increase the danger. Harry hurried into the heart of the forest with David. They walked for nearly half an hour, deeper and deeper. There were blood splashes (血迹) on the roots of a tree, as though the poor creature had been struggling around in pain close by. "We must hurry up ", said Harry.




Paragraph 1:

However, it was really not easy for them to find it.

Paragraph 2:

Without delay, Harry knelt down to do first aid on its wound with David holding the flashlight.


Gramma Goodie visits her grandkids every Sunday afternoon. Every visit starts the same. First she rings the doorbell. Then Chris bounces down the stairs. Jamie runs to open the door. And every time, Gramma Goodie has gifts. But the kids never know what she'll bring.

Sometimes it's stuff you need, like socks or underwear. It could be a kite or a stuffed baby kangaroo. It could be a lollipop that turns your tongue bright blue.

Well, one Sunday, Gramma rang the doorbell. Chris hurried down the stairs. And Jamie threw open the door.

"Hello, my darlings," Gramma Goodie said with a smile. "Look what I have for you" She pulled out a deck of cards, and they played "Go Fish" all afternoon. At the end of the day, Gramma gave everyone kisses. Then she said her good-byes.

As she drove away, Chris and Jamie heard their parents talking. They said that Gramma Goodie's birthday was next Sunday. They were going to plan a special dinner and bake a delicious cake for her birthday surprise.

"Gramma Goodie has a birthday?" they thought. Both were a little confused. Grown-ups have birthdays? Who in the world knew? "Well, we have to get her a gift," Jamie decided. "But what?" asked Chris. "Gramma Goodie has absolutely EVERYTHING!"

Jamie thought about scarves, flowers, and perfume. But Gramma had plenty of scarves, a humongous rose garden, and bottles of French perfume. Chris thought about books, pillows, and a flute.

A diary? She had one. An umbrella? She had that, too. A radio? There's one in her kitchen. Oh, what would Chris and Jamie do? They spent all week thinking. They thought in math class. They daydreamed during recess. They thought themselves to sleep! Nothing came to mind.




Paragraph 1:

Their parents gave them a suggestion.

Paragraph 2:

On Sunday morning, the doorbell rang.


It's hard to talk to dads sometimes. The roles we often expect our fathers to play—protector, provider—can make them seem impenetrable(不可理解的).That's how it was with my dad. He came to Canada at the age of ten and settled in an immigrant community. He was never much of a talker. He rarely drank, so we didn't get to see him loosen up after a few beers. He didn't tell stories about himself at the dinner table or when we went for walks in the park. He was a private person and seemed to want to stay that way.

Bringing up the many questions I had about life before I was born—his early hopes and dreams, loves and heartbreaks—let alone sharing my own feelings, felt like too much for us to handle. I didn't want to threaten the integrity(完整)of his hard shell. I had gotten used to it,and it made me feel secure.

But when my relationship and career took a hit a year ago at the same time, things had to change. I was facing serious questions about my own nature, and I wanted to know that he had faced them, too. I needed to know how he had found his way, because I felt like I had lost mine.

In a severe moment of desperation, it occurred to me that sending an email might be the key. An email can be crafted(精心制作)slowly and carefully. I could speak at a comfortable distance and give him room to adjust. He'd be up in his office—a comfortable place filled with bookshelves, dusty CD-ROMs and piles of old newspapers. I'd be at my desk in an apartment 20 minutes away.

So I wrote to him. I told him about my regrets and fears, and I asked him to answer, if he felt like it, and to share something about himself, something that would give me much-needed perspective on my life, especially on relationship and career.

Para 1:Two weeks later, his response showed up in my email box.

Para 2:I closed the email and started to cry.


I'd just returned from a beautiful fall early-morning walk with my dog. At the front door, I dug around in my pockets for the keys. When I discovered I didn't have them, I decided to return to the paths we'd taken. I would surely spot them in plain sight. My little dog ran in circles of excitement that we would do a repeat of our just-finished outing. I spent an hour looking, brushing aside tall grasses, but the keys remained lost. I was beginning to get upset as I thought of the results of losing them, so I continued to look for them but failed.

Back home again, I pulled the backup key from its hiding place, let myself in the house, and fell on the chair in tiredness. The house key wasn't that important as I had an extra. The mail key was a big deal because getting a new one takes a lot of time. I had a spare car key, but there was often something wrong with it, and the key would be expensive to replace. But the iron heart made by my grandson was precious beyond measure. For some reason, thinking of it being gone forever made tears come to my eyes.

That night, it turned colder and we had a snow. I enjoyed a comfort-food dinner, played soft music, and settled into a peaceful evening until I heard the noise of my car alarm from the garage (车库). I rushed to the car, put the extra key into the door and finally opened it, and then I hurriedly tried my best to stop the alarm. I felt red-faced as I imagined my next-door neighbors being disturbed and annoyed.

I went back in the house but the alarm started again. I turned it off, went back inside, and the alarm sounded again. I repeated the process. Back in the house, I waited, but the next sound was the front doorbell. Thinking it was a neighbor ready to shout at me, I opened the door slowly and turned on the light with apologies ready.



In the light snow stood three neighbors from several streets away.

What a clever idea with which the neighbors found my home!


I received an urgent call from my aunt. "Turn on the TV. Granny is on the Channel 10 news." It turned out that Granny had made a sandwich run for her office and was stopped at a red light downtown. She had the window rolled down to enjoy the breeze when a man rushed up to the driver's side window, intending to carjack(劫车) her.

Now, what the would-be carjacker couldn't have known was that this woman simply wasn't "a granny". This was Nancy Johnson—the same woman who owned and lived on a Texas cattle farm, drove her own tractors, and dug her own post holes to lay fence. The week before, she had shot a rattlesnake and chopped off its head with a shovel. She was the proud owner of the new minivan(小型货车) she was driving. In other words, she was not your normal kind of granny.

The carjacker leaned into the open window, one hand stuffed in his pocket, and said, "Get out of this car. I have a gun, and I will shoot you." A statement like that would have terrified anyone else. Instead, Granny saw it as a challenge. "If you really had a gun in your pocket, you would've pulled it out and led with that first," she shouted at him, apparently unworried.

She was right. The criminal didn't have a gun. He instead reached into the window, grabbed her, and tried to pull her out of the van. He pulled open the door, wildly catching Granny's arms. Granny leaned her shoulder inside to press the horn(喇叭) and started yelling to make people around notice what was happening. With the door now open, she held tight the steering wheel with one arm and started kicking the man anywhere her foot could make contact. This tall woman had quite a reach.




Paragraph 1:

After a well-placed kick, the man was done, and attempted to release her and run.

Paragraph 2:

Later, we asked, "Granny, don't you realize you could have got yourself killed?"


My Kindergarten Hero

We had just completed a unit on community heroes, and I had given my kindergarten class a task to write or draw about their favorite hero. Each child was busy creating colorful masterpieces such as firefighters, policemen and doctors. Several students had chosen to draw larger-than-life brothers and sisters or moms and dads.

However, one little boy was having difficulty with the assignment. Cameron had touched my heart early in the school year. He had dark brown hair and wore his thick glasses. He looks like a younger version of Harry Potter at best. He often snorted (鼻息声) when he laughed, and the rest of the class would laugh along with him.

Cameron suffered from autism(自闭症), but that didn't matter to me or his classmates. We all loved him just the way he was. He was full of wonderful stories and brought a special feeling to our classroom. I sat and watched as Austin worked with Cameron. Austin had a wonderful way of interacting with Cameron and he helped him find his hero. Within a few minutes, Cameron quickly began drawing blue lines and curves on his paper—he was particularly fond of the color blue.

Finally, it was time for everybody to share their hero pictures. I listened as each student proudly stood in front of the class, picture held high, and described his or her hero. Several students described their heroes by giving them superhuman strength. It was finally Cameron's turn to share his hero. Cameron stood up and anxiously placed his large blue stick-figured drawing in front of his face. He then quickly burst out it was a picture of me. He added that I helped him learn things and then quickly sat back down. Tears began to form in the corner of my eyes, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.




When Austin stood up to share his picture, I was certain it would be a policeman.


Cameron suddenly stood up, and put his arms up in the air as if he were going to take of and fly.