浙江省杭州高级中学2020-2021年高一上册期末 英语在线测验完整版

1. 详细信息
As temperatures approached 90 degrees in New York City last July 4th, three police officers walked into a Whole Foods Market to get something cold to drink.
Once inside, the cops, Louis Sojo and Officers Ricky Cuevas and Michael Rivera, were approached by a store security guard who asked for help with a suspected shoplifter. The woman in question didn’t have the look of a career criminal. She was obviously scared, and her cheeks were wet with tears.
The cops went through her bag. “All we saw was containers of food. We didn’t See anything else,” Cuevas told CBS New York.
“I’m hungry,” she explained quietly.
Caught on the scene, the woman no doubt expected to be cuffed and put to prison for the crime of being hungry while poor. But the cops had other ideas. “We’ll pay for her food, Sojo told the surprised security guard.
There’d been no discussion among the three men. It went unsaid. Instead, they picked up the woman’s bag and accompanied her to a cash register, where each chipped in $10 to pay the bill. She would not be taken to the police station.
All the woman could do was weep in gratitude. Covering her face with a handkerchief and drying her eyes, she repeated, “Thank you, thank you.”
Paul Jones, who was at the store was so taken by what he’d witnessed that he posted a photo on Twitter for all to see.
But attention was never what the officers sought. They were driven by a far more common emotion. When you look at someone’s face and see that they need you and they’re actually hungry, it’s pretty difficult as a human being to walk away from something like this.
【1】What do we know about the woman according to Paragraph 2?
A.She spent her entire career in shoplifting. B.She was fearless in the face of the police.
C.She felt frightened and ashamed of shoplifting. D.She was familiar to the store security guard.
【2】What does the underlined phrase “chipped in’’ mean?
A.Gave some money. B.Joined in a discussion.
C.Asked for a lower price. D.Cut something into pieces.
【3】What drove the three police officers to help the woman?
A.Job duties and responsibilities. B.Understanding and pity for the poor.
C.The desire for media attention. D.Prevention and control of further crime.
2. 详细信息
My 6-year-old son hates the British. To be more specific, he hates the British Empire that had ruled over up to a quarter of the world’s land by the early 1900s. He hates that one of the biggest diamonds in the world, found in India over 1,000 years ago, now sits in the queen’s set of crown jewels.
How does my 6-year-old son know all about this? Well, because we talk about it and have a lot of books at home. And now that we have more flexible schedules since we have to work at home- and the kid has to do school at home--- we have even more time together. He is naturally attracted by the books with characters that look like him.
As a scholar of multicultural education, I know that children are able to understand complex issues, like racism, if they are broken down and explained in a way that they can grasp. So, when books talk about subjects like racism, slavery, or colonialism(殖民主义), my wife and I explain those terms as best as we can.
The-coronavirus pandemic (全球性流行病) has brought on a lot of hardship and heartache to families everywhere, and it has also made it easier for parents like us to spend more time with our children. As parents of color, we have an opportunity to offer counter-stories that focus on people who look like us, instead of having our children forced to learn from narratives and stories written from a European or white angle.
Schooling at home provides a unique chance for children of color to build up their knowledge of their histories and larger struggles for social and racial justice locally and globally. Perhaps this moment can be an opportunity, a place of possibility within the overwhelming task of parenting during the pandemic.
【1】Why did the author’s son hate the British Empire?
A.He was introduced to books concerning racism and colonialism.
B.He was told about his father’s suffering and hardship in the UK.
C.He was too young to have a good understanding of the history.
D.He was schooled at home without teachers’’ instruct and guidance.
【2】How did the author think of the lessons his son was given at school?
A.Misguided. B.Practical. C.Equal. D.One-sided.
【3】What is the author’s attitude towards schooling children at home?
A.Doubtful B.Positive C.Concerned D.Negative
3. 详细信息
Why is the human brain so mighty? It has billions of nerve cells to carry out its commands. Without the brain, you would not be able to think, feel, move, remember, or do all the things that make you the special person you are.
At birth, the brains of infants (婴儿) weigh the same. But by adulthood, that changes. The average male brain weighs about 11 to 12 percent more than woman’s brain. But brain weight and size have nothing to do with intelligence. What matters is what’s inside the brain.
Despite its small size (about 3 pounds), the brain is able to receive and send an unlimited number of messages. It does this with the help of the spinal cord, the sense organs, and the automatic nervous system. The brain carries out this task by assigning jobs.
It puts the cerebellum in charge of balance and coordination.
The brainstem regulates heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure.
And the largest parts of the brain, the cerebral cortex and the cerebrum, control thoughts, feelings, and actions.
The cerebrum is divided into two halves. Each controls the muscles on the opposite side of the body. So, if you usually eat with your right hand and kick with your right foot, then your brain’s left half is said to “dominate”, and you’re right-handed. When the opposite is true, your brain’s’ right half takes the lead and you’re left-handed.
People use both halves of the brain, but the left half is especially good at helping you with words and numbers and helping you read and speak. The right side is better at creative tasks, such as music and art. And your sense of humor develops there.
Each half has four sets of lobes (脑叶). The frontal lobes behind your forehead do lot of the thinking and planning. The parietal lobes toward the back of your head sense pain. And the occipital lobes at the base of the brain allow you to see. The temporal lobes behind your ears store memories of music, taste, vision, and touch.
【1】What is the writing purpose of starting the text with a question?
A.To stress the importance of the brain.
B.To explain reasons for the power of the brain.
C.To leads readers into the main topic.
D.To share with readers the author’s problem.
【2】Which of the following parts is in charge of regulating breathing?
A.The cerebral cortex. B.The cerebrum. C.The cerebellum. D.The brainstem.
【3】Based on the text, what would people with dominant right half brains likely do?
A.Draw with the right hand.
B.Write with the left hand.
C.Eat with the right hand.
D.Kick a soccer ball with the right foot.
【4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.The brain is a small organ that does a lot for the human body.
B.An intelligent person has a bigger brain size than other people.
C.The brain has two halves that control which hand you write with.
D.The lobes in the brain play an important role and do different tasks.
4. 详细信息
Many of make it our New Year decision to get more active—but you don’t have to spend large sums in gyms. 【1】 But by changing that plan for these following ideas, you can not only increase your activity but save your money.
Get started with running. Going for a jog costs nothing and is one of the easiest ways to build up your body. If running seems like a task, why not try an app to add to pleasure? I love a sports app called RockMyRun. It understands your personal pace and then matches the music beat to it. 【2】
Follow fitness bloggers. Instagram, as well as YouTube, is full of fitness bloggers competing for likes and followers. They often post some free short videos showing how they are exercising.【3】. For guidance from a personal trainer, which may even cost£ 30 to 65 an hour.
Weight to go. 【4】 You can use them to increase your resistance training—zero gym required. Tins (罐头) of beans or tomatoes can be used as smaller weights, while 2-litre drink bottles offer heavier resistance.
【5】 It may be slightly cold to work out there, but there are hundreds of nonprofit community outdoor gyms across the country. With everything from cross-trainers to leg presses, they provide various training workouts. Find your nearest outdoor gym at tgogc. com.
A.Free outdoor gyms.
B.Great various workouts.
C.It is free to download on Android and iOS.
D.Generally, gyms cost on average £ 40.53 a month.
E.Heavy kitchen items can be used as hand weightlifting equipment.
F.It is necessary for most people to train by lifting hand-held weights.
G.Make the most of their efforts by repeating these at home or in the gym.
5. 完形填空 详细信息
I took a job as a receptionist for a pet doctor almost five decades ago. As an eager animal lover, I accepted the _______ on condition that I wouldn’t have to assist with any wounded animals. I couldn’t bear to see any creature in _______.
At the end of my first week, we were closing the office for the day when a young man ran up to us holding a severely _______ Doberman pinscher puppy (杜宾犬) in his arms and _______ us to save his life. The four-month-old puppy had been hit by a car. The doctor and I ran back into the _______ room. The doctor worked _______ for what seemed like hours, stitching (缝合) him back together again. That was the _______ part. The puppy had broken multiple bones, including his backbone. Even if he _______ the next few days, we were quite sure he would never walk again.
That day forever _______ my life. The doctor guided me, and I became his ________ in all things medical. One of my first jobs was to give that Doberman puppy daily physical treatment. I remember moving his ________ legs to try to keep his muscles from weakening. Weeks went by until one day, I felt this little ________ push back ever so slightly. And he continued to push back till he could finally use his legs.
Fast-forward about a year. I walked into the clinic’s crowded waiting room and called the name of the next client. ________, a huge Doberman standing quietly with his owner on the opposite side of the room ________ and dashed toward me. I found myself pressed against the wall with this magnificent dog ________ on his back legs, his front paws on my shoulders, ________ my face with countless and ________ kisses!
I still tear up in ________ at the display of love and ________ the dog had for me that day all those years ago. I went on to be a pet doctor for 14 years until retirement. In all the time that has passed and all the experiences I have had, I’ve ________ met a dog who didn’t know it had been rescued in one way or another.
【1】A.solution B.suggestion C.position D.registration
【2】A.depression B.pain C.shock D.anxiety
【3】A.injured B.damaged C.frightened D.wounded
【4】A.admiring B.applying C.appreciating D.begging
【5】A.waiting B.operating C.meeting D.dressing
【6】A.impatiently B.excitedly C.tirelessly D.effortlessly
【7】A.awkward B.easy C.unique D.tough
【8】A.challenged B.survived C.delayed D.suffered
【9】A.changed B.spared C.devoted D.ruined
【10】A.assistant B.advisor C.audience D.applicant
【11】A.strong B.broken C.long D.tiny
【12】A.winner B.cheater C.loser D.fighter
【13】A.Obviously B.Suddenly C.Eventually D.Gradually
【14】A.erupted B.slid C.broke D.evacuated
【15】A.standing B.sitting C.lying D.jumping
【16】A.biting B.striking C.washing D.exploring
【17】A.joyful B.stressful C.graceful D.sorrowful
【18】A.confusion B.curiosity C.concentration D.amazement
【19】A.confidence B.responsibility C.gratitude D.determination
【20】A.always B.often C.ever D.never
6. 详细信息
Music is one of the most【1】(power) things in my life. Listening to music can help to motivate me in trying time. When younger, I【2】(have) no great love for music as I do now. I mainly listened to the music【3】my parents were playing. Whether I was in the car, the house,【4】anywhere else, there was sure to be some Beatles, or Buddy Holly constantly playing in the background. Now as I am older, I enjoy it for the reason that it allows me to remember my childhood.
I believe music has the power【5】(express) all sorts of emotions. The song “A Little Bit Longer” Jonas Brothers is【6】an emotional and inspiring song that when hear it, I always come close to【7】(drop) down tears, especially when I watch it being played live. The effect (that music can have【8】our emotions is great, as it can bring people to floods of tears or bursts of【9】(laugh).
I believe music affects people in many ways. To me, music is【10】(extreme) important in my life.
7. 书面表达 详细信息
8. 书面表达 详细信息
An Honest Mistake
Karie double-checked the words on her spelling test. If she got 100 percent today, she'd win her class's First-Quarter Spelling Challenge and a brand-new dictionary. Plus, Ms. Smith had promised to do a handstand (倒立) if anyone got a perfect score.
Two more words to go. Q-u-i-c-k-l-y. H-o-n-e-s-t-y. Wait! She'd spelled honesty, not honestly! She erased the t-y and wrote l-y before handing in her paper.”
I'll correct these while you're at the break," Ms. Smith said.
After the break, Karie moved restlessly in her seat, tapping her pencil.
Ms. Smith walked to the front of the room and cleared her throat. Then, as if she were an Olympic gymnast, Ms. Smith threw both her feet into the air." Congratulations, Karie! You did it!” she announced while upside down. The whole class erupted! Ms. Smith presented Karie with her prize. Karie smiled broadly as she read the note on the dictionary: To Karie, for her perfect performance. "
“Everything OK?" Mom asked as Karie burst through the front door after school. “Everything's PERFECT!” Karie shouted, showing Mom her spelling test and prize. Mom hugged her." Put the test on the fridge so Dad can see it when he gets home.” "
“And Casper, too.” Karie lifted up her cat. “Can you spell quickly, Casper? And honesly, and…"
Karie's stomach tumbled to the floor. Honesly? H-O-N-E-S-L-Y! "
Karie, what's the matter?” asked Mom. “I don't feel so good,” Karie said, putting Casper down and squeezing the test paper into her backpack.”
Probably too much excitement." Mom rubbed her back. "How about some tea?"
Karie swallowed. “How do you know? A t is exactly what I needed.”
Karie dragged herself to her bed after some tea. How could she tell the whole class she didn't deserve the prize? That Ms. Smith did the handstand for nothing?
Paragraph 1:
Soon Karie heard her dad come in with the smell of pizza floating in the air.
Paragraph 2:
Ms. Smith was unlocking the classroom door when Karie got to school the next morning.