
1. 详细信息
There once was a king in a faraway country. One day, he decided to1a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of 2 So many artists 3 The king looked at all the pictures.4 there were only two he really liked, and he had to 5between them. One picture was of a 6 lake. The lake was a perfect mirror with peaceful huge mountains all around it. Above was a 7 sky with light white clouds. All who 8 this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.
The other picture had 9too. But these were not flat at all. Above was a (an)10 sky, from which rain fell heavily and in which lightning played11 Down the side of the mountain was a waterfall with loud sound. This did not look12 at all.
But when the king looked 13 he saw behind the waterfall a small tree 14 in a crack (缝隙) in the rock. In the tree a mother bird had 15 her comfortable home. There, with the flow of angry water, the mother bird was 16 her hungry children in the nest, taking no attention to the 17things around them ? in perfect peace.
Which picture do you think18 the prize? The king chose the second picture. Do you know why?
“Because” said the king, “peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise,19 or hard work. Peace means although noisy things are around you, you 20 keep calm in the heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”
(1)A.take B.send C.offer D.leave
(2)A.beauty B.peace C.silence D.honesty
(3)A.tried B.managed C.succeeded D.went
(4)A.And B.Or C.But D.Yet
(5)A.choose B.like C.give D.need
(6)A.beautiful B.calm C.noisy D.dirty
(7)A.black B.dark C.gray D.blue
(8)A.saw B.liked C.painted D.had
(9)A.sky B.mountains C.peace D.clouds
(10)A.gentle B.angry C.blue D.sunny
(11)A.slowly B.gently C.happily D.wildly
(12)A.happy B.noisy C.peaceful D.beautiful
(13)A.strictly B.closely C.quickly D.suddenly
(14)A.growing B.coming C.rising D.planting
(15)A.created B.left C.built D.lain
(16)A.feeding B.touching C.beating D.speaking
(17)A.silent B.noisy C.faraway D.beautiful
(18)A.wanted B.lost C.received D.won
(19)A.trouble B.silence C.patience D.joy
(20)A.even B.again C.still D.just
2. 详细信息
Are you afraid of moving up to senior high school? It is a completely new experience, but you shouldn't worry. We've got a guide to help you.
You're not alone. Remember that everybody else in your year is in the same boat. You may not notice it, but they're just as nervous as you are.
Moving to senior high school is a chance, not a problem. Things are different, and all you need to do is to be polite and learn the new rules.
The teachers will help. If you don't know what to do or are worried about something, then ask for help. Teachers are probably the best people to turn to, because they have experience in helping new students. Pay attention to what your teachers say.
Everything changes. There are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. You will have your lessons with different teachers in different rooms. You will have homework for different subjects on different days, so make sure you get organised. Make sure you know which rooms your classes are in and which days you have your different subjects on.
Other points:
If you've got an older brother or sister at the school, then ask them for advice.
Be yourself! It sounds simple, but things will become better if you just act naturally.
Having early nights makes a difference. You'll also find it easier to get up in the morning!
(1)What does the author think of moving up to senior high school?
A.It is a difficult problem.
B.It sounds simple.
C.It's a good chance.
D.It's worrying.
(2)When you don't know what to do, you can _______.
A.turn to your teachers
B.follow your younger brother
C.go to bed early
D.write your problems down
(3)Which of the following does the author suggest you do?
A.Pay attention to others.
B.Don't be shy.
C.Ask your classmates for help.
D.Just act naturally.
(4)The main purpose of the passage is to _______.
A.tell students about a new experience
B.tell students how to make full use of time
C.help students that are going to senior high school
D.teach students how to organise themselves
3. 详细信息
A couple had a son eleven years after they married. They were a loving couple and the boy was the apple of their eye. When the boy was around four years old, one day the father was very tired after work so he asked his wife to pick up their son. The mother, who was very busy in the kitchen, totally forgot about it.
Later the boy lost his way on the street. When the son was found missing, the mother hurried to look for him, but she didn't find him. The mother felt very sad and didn't know how to face her husband.
When the father went to the police station after hearing that the son was missing, he looked at his wife and said just four words. What do you think the four words were? The husband just said “I love you, darling.”
The son was missing. If she had picked him up earlier, this would not have happened. There is no point in blaming (责备) anyone. His wife had also lost her only child. What his wife needed at that moment was comfort and understanding from her husband. That is what the husband gave his wife. Several weeks later, with the help of the police, the couple finally found their lost son. The family's relationship became stronger over that time.
Sometimes we spend lots of time asking who is to blame. We miss many chances to give each other support and let each other feel the warmth of human relationships. Get rid of all your unwillingness to forgive, selfishness, and fears and you will find the world is much more wonderful.
(1)What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “the apple of their eye”?
A.A person who always has a sweet smile in their opinion.
B.A person who is loved more than anyone else in their opinion.
C.A person who is as pretty as an apple in their opinion.
D.A person who looks like an apple in their opinion.
(2)Why didn't the father pick the boy up himself?
A.He was very lazy.
B.He thought the mother had picked him up.
C.He was too tired to do it.
D.He forgot to pick him up.
(3)What can we learn from this passage?
A.Learn to forgive others.
B.Love is the most important thing.
C.Be careful in everything you do
D.Everyone can make mistakes.
(4)What do you think of the husband?
4. 详细信息
Almost everyone wants to be happy, but not all know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future that we fail to enjoy the present, for example, getting into college or getting a good job. You should enjoy life's simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.
Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget your problems and time. Many people experience dancing, or playing a sport, such as swimming. You can forget about your problems and only think about the activity.
Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.
(1)The best title of this passage is ___________.
A.Good Friends Make You Happy
B.Ideas for Helping Other People to Be Happy
C.Money Makes You Happy
D.The Secret of Happiness
(2)The passage gives us ___________ pieces of advice on happiness.
(3)The writer thinks that ___________.
A.doing good things for someone can make you happier
B.hobbies take up too much time
C.everyone knows how to live a happier life
D.It's wrong to spend time on work
(4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Reading a good book.
B.Playing a sport.
C.Traveling to a foreign country.
D.Spending time with close friends.
5. 详细信息
Enough sleep is important to health. The amount of sleep needed depends on the age of the person and the conditions in which sleep takes place. The young may need more sleep than the old, but usually eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups. Some can do with less than this amount, but others may need more. Every person knows his own need. It is then a matter of good judgement to satisfy his need. Sleep should always be enough to make one bring back his strength and get ready for a day's work.
Fresh air is necessary to sound sleep. It is not without reason for some people to think that it is practicable to sleep in the open air. When one can keep himself warm, out-of-door sleeping probably gives the body its most complete relaxation (放松).
Ability (能力) to sleep lies largely in habit. The conditions referred to only lead to sleep. Out-of-door exercises, a good habit of regular hours and the avoidance (避免) of late eating and worry, which are largely within the control of any person, are all helpful to sound sleep.
A bath at bedtime, neither hot nor cool but of body temperature may be helpful to sleep. Sleep-producing drug (药) should never be taken except when suggested by a doctor.
(1)Which of the following is helpful to good sleep?
A.Keeping good habits.
B.Staying up late.
C.Eating something at bedtime.
D.Forming the habit of taking sleep-producing drug.
(2)Before going to bed, you'd better not_______.
A.take a bath
B.do any housework
C.think a lot
D.go out for relaxation
(3)The amount of sleep a person needs has something to do with       .
A.his age
B.his height
C.his weight
D.his character
6. 详细信息
How to find time for yourself
Do you ever find yourself dying for some time for yourself? Many of us are so busy with work, school, and home life that often there is no time left over to do something that you enjoy. What follows are some ways to find out the necessary time you need to slow down, and enjoy life.
    This is a great one because you can get many things at the same time when you are walking. You're getting exercise, you have time to think or enjoy music, and you're helping to save the environment.
Arrive early.   Then use this time for yourself: reading, writing, relaxation, thinking, or whatever.
Buy tickets ahead. Sports, theater, concerts, or any other event you would enjoy. Make the plans with a friend later.   
Evenings with yourself.    If others ask you to do things those nights, just tell them you have plans. Use the time for gardening, reading, exercise, or doing nothing!
   What are you interested in? Strike while the iron is hot. Look up a club in your area today and join! If you can't find a club, consider starting one yourself!
A. Walk to work.
B. Join a group.
C. Take an education class.
D. Any appointment that you have, plan to arrive 15?30 minutes early.
E. If you want more time for yourself, you can get it.
F. Having the tickets already in your hand will force you to make it happen!
G. Try to save certain weeknights just for you.
7. 详细信息
(1)She was such lovely dog, after all.
(2)Atlanta could run fast than any man in the country.
(3)She was very angry that she said she would not marry any man。
(4)I think what he did was real meaningful.
(5)It was a treasure decorate with gold and jewels。
(6)He is in the charge of the company。
(7)There is no doubt whether the boxes were then put on a train。
(8)The house that he lived was far away from my work.
(9)Last week Catherine buy an expensive mountain bike and went to Tibet.
(10)He was just about to say something while Helen turned around.
8. 详细信息
A reporter from Jiangsu Province went to Australia and some other countries with his father for a 3-month trip. His father spent most of his life    (work)in the field. The son started the    (amaze)trips with his father around the world because the farmer father    (get)cancer?a serious illness.
The reporter wanted to take his father to travel,   (hope)that his father can find his younger self in his last days. They travelled more than 13,000 kilometers and took over 110, 000    (picture)on their trips to    (difference)countries. Well,a miracle(奇迹) happened during the “rebirth” trips. To their surprise,   (he)father got better from illness and became more openhearted.
He even taught himself to play     violin,and then    (gradual) he played it very well,   encouraged him a lot. Now he is expecting another trip to Africa. He is the most stylish dad ever.
Time carves(雕刻) his face but youth flows in his blood. This is the real style.
9. 详细信息
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