
材料一:气候变化问题是当今人类面临的挑战之一。作为一个发展中大国,中国近年来在节能减排方面采取了一系列重大举措,为全球应对气候变化作出了巨大贡献。我国大力发展新能源和可再生能源,截止2008年底,水电装机容量达l.72亿千瓦,稳居世界第一:风电规模连续三年翻倍增长;减少排放二氧化碳6亿吨。 材料二:在此次联合国气候变化会议上,中国国务院总理温家宝强调,中国政府确定减缓温室气体排放的目标是根据国情采取的自主行动I was listening to the radio while 1 was driving home from coaching basketball yesterday. I could tell right away that there was something  41  by the mood of the speaker. There had been a plane crash. What made the 42  even more tragic was that Bob Collins,the morning show man, was among those who had been killed. Throughout my 40-minute  43 , I listened as sincere love and affection from the audience  44 .The more I listened about how this man had influenced those around him, the more   45 I became. That was because I wanted to know  46 we as a culture, wait until somebody has passed away before we tell them how much they  47 to us? Why do we wait until it is too late before we  48 someone up after they have died? Yes,49  memory after memory about someone's good  50 does help us cope with the sadness of losing someone special to us. But as we  51 remember this person, our words fall short of the ears that most need to hear  52 .Just once,  53 a gathering of death,1 would like to see a celebration of life,  54 stories are told, tears fall down,laughter rings out;and as the speaker  55 his or her loving tribute(颂词), the person they are  56  rises from the chair and gives them a  57 hug! Wouldn’t that be   58 ! Life is too short to leave kind words   59 . How I wish that when the unavoidable funeral finally comes,we could say  60 with the knowledge that they knew exactly how people felt about them while they were here on earth.小题1:A.importantB.wrongC.pleasantD.unnoticed小题2:A.speakerB.radioC.stationD.story小题3:A.driveB.silenceC.rideD.tour小题4:A.poured inB.grew upC.broke outD.got through小题5:A.determinedB.delightedC.discouragedD.devoted小题6:A.whatB.thatC.ifD.why小题7:A.impressB.loveC.meanD.affect小题8:A.bringB.buildC.pickD.bury小题9:A.recoveringB.showingC.sharingD.losing小题10:A.qualitiesB.mannersC.recordsD.attitudes小题11:A.barelyB.lovinglyC.suddenlyD.finally小题12:A.himB.themC.itD.us小题13:A.as forB.apart fromC.except forD.instead of小题14:A.whereB.becauseC.whetherD.which小题15:A.mentionsB.writesC.paysD.ends小题16:A.staringB.listeningC.honoringD.talking小题17:A.tightB.quickC.coldD.necessary小题18:A.anythingB.nothingC.everythingD.something小题19:A.untouchedB.unsaidC.unfinishedD.unpacked小题20:A.helloB.sorryC.goodbyeD.thanks
道德与法治 试题推荐