
阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号为36-45的相应位置。 Thirteen-year-old Andrew will never forget that Saturday. He was relaxing on his family’s sofa with his sister, Susan. Suddenly the heater exploded. His sister, who was unhurt, managed to pull   26   away from the fire   27   his mum dialed for an ambulance.  28  ambulance soon arrived and rushed him to Children’s Hospital   29   he was operated on immediately. Doctors told his mum there was little ch 如图为绿色植物叶肉细胞内发生的物质代谢系列,图中①~④为反应过程。请据图作答: (1)进行①③过程的场所是________,在弱光下②过程缓慢,这是因为________所致。 (2)过程②发生的能量代谢是:________。 (3)叶肉细胞在③④过程中产生能量最多的是________。 (4)当这个细胞的有机物积累量为零,表明①②③④过程关系是①+②的合成速率________(大于、小于、等于)③④的分解速率,此时③④生理活动的方程式为:________。 (5)在强光下,③过程产生的二氧化碳物质会迅速扩散到哪里?________。 为什么?________。
英语 试题推荐