
       Educating Psyche by Bernie Neville is a book which looks at new approaches to learning. One theory discussed in the book is developed by Georgi Lozanov, which stressed the power of suggestion. His technique is based on evidence that the connections made in the brain through unconscious processing last longer than those made through conscious processing. Our experience provides evidence for it. If we think of a book we studied months or years ago, we will find it easier to remember peripheral details—the color, the book cover, the table at the library we sat while studyin据《新全球史》记载,早在12世纪福建就进口稻米,而专门种植荔枝、柑橘及甘蔗高价销往北方,尽管政府要求福建人种植稻米以减少对进口稻米的依赖,却收效甚微。这种现象反映了该地区A.比较适合种植经济作物B.政府放松对商业的限制C.人们对于外国稻米的喜好D.农业生产的商品化
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