
阅读文言文,回答问题。 北冥有鱼 北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。鯤之大,不知其几千里也;化而为鸟,其名为鹏。鹏之背,不知其几千里也;怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。是鸟也,海运则将徙于南冥。南冥者,天池也。《齐谐》者,志怪者也。《谐》之言曰:“鹏之徙于南冥也,水击三千里,抟扶摇而上者九万里,去以六月息者也。”野马也,尘埃也,生物之以息相吹也。天之苍苍,其正色邪?其远而无所至极邪?其视下也,亦若是则已矣。 庄子与惠子游于  Mrs Scott and her daughter Jane 1 teachers. They teach 2 the same school. They go to school 3 car. They go to work 4 8:00 in the morning. They come home at 4:00 5 the afternoon. Sam and 6 sister and are students. They go to 7 by bus. They come home at 4: 00 in the afternoon. They 8 their homework at home. They 9 TV in the evening. They go to 10 early every night. 1. [  ] A.is B.AmC.areD.be 2. [  ] A.from B.onC.byD.in 3. [  ] A.on B.byC.inD.at 4. [  ] A.by B.onC.atD.in 5. [  ] A.in B.atC.onD.by 6. [  ] A.their B.oneC.herD.his 7. [  ] A.class B.teacherC.schoolD.home 8. [  ] A.catch B.doC.makeD.read 9. [  ] A.see B.lookC.readD.watch 10. [  ] A.school B.bedC.workD.class
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