
下列现象与分子的特性不一致的是( ) 选项现象分子的特性 (A)1滴水中约有1.67×1021个水分子分子质量、体积小 (B)100mL酒精和100mL水混合在一起,体积小于200mL分子间有间隔 (C)在花园可闻到花香分子不断运动 (D)水通电分解为氢气和氧气化学反应中分子不可分 A.AB.BC.CD.D 答案:【考点】利用分子与原子的性质分析和解决问题. 【专题】课本知识同类信息. 【分析】利用分子的基本性质分析和解决问题,分子很小,在不断运动,分子间有间隔,发生化学变化时,构成物质分子发生改变. 【解答】解:A、一滴水中含有多个水分子,是因为分子的体积、质量都很小,正确; B、选择恰当的连接词填空(可重复选择)【1】What I want to know is________ you will go for your holiday.【2】________we should improve the living standards of the farmers remains a problem.【3】It is not yet known________he will come to the graduation ceremony or not.【4】The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is________one can be entirely free from dust.【5】________team will get first prize is hard to tell at present.【6】Your support is important to our work. ________you can do helps.【7】The best moment for the football star was________he scored the winning goal.【8】By boat is the only way to get here, which is________we arrived.【9】My mother doesn't like dogs, and that's________she was once bitten by one.【10】It does not matter________we play football with;we can beat them if we re determined.
化学 试题推荐