
When you eat out in a restaurant, it is not unusual to hear people yelling, “Let me get this one!” Sometimes you can see them   41   or arm wrestling to fight for the   42   for paying the bill. These fights are often very loud and active. Each person   43  shows an honest desire to pick up the bill, and in the end, all the people at the table give the winner praise and   44   . In fact, figuring out who will get the bill is always a   45   for Chinese people at formal meals. Although the people who   46   the meal are very likely to pay the check, it is a 下列词语中没有错别字的一组是 [     ]A.宛然 下马威 老马识途 一言既出,四马难追 B.诽谤 戴高帽 瞻前顾后 三天打鱼,两天晒网 C.暧暧 耳旁风 直言不讳 眉头一皱,记上心来 D.混饨 背黑锅 一丘之貉 一招不慎,满盘皆输
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