
Several different stories are told about the origin of Saint Valentine’s Day. One legend dates as far back as the days of the Roman Empire. According to the story, Claudius, the Emperor of Rome, wanted to increase the size of his army. He knew that it would be easier to get young men who were not married to join. Therefore he made a rule that no young man could marry until he had served a certain number of years in the army. A priest(牧师) named Valentine broke the rule and secretly married a great many young people. Finally, Claudius found out about Valentine and put the priest in 下图是某款电热水龙头的电路原理图。R1、R2为电热丝,通过旋转手柄可使扇形开关S同时接触两个相邻触点,实现冷水、温水、热水挡之间的切换。当开关同时接触2、3触点时,水龙头放出的是 水(选填“冷”、“温”或“热”)。若R2=2R1,水龙头在温水挡正常工作时电功率为2000W,则它在热水挡正常工作1mIn消耗的电能为 J。
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