
将适量的铜粉和镁粉的混合物放入一定量的硝酸银溶液中,充分反应后过滤,得到固体物质和无色滤液。则关于滤出的固体和无色滤液的下列判断正确的是(    ) A. 滤出的固体中一定含有银和铜,一定不含镁 B. 滤出的固体中一定含有银,可能含有铜和镁 C. 滤液中一定含有硝酸银和硝酸镁,一定没有硝酸铜 D. 滤液中一定含有硝酸镁,一定没有硝酸银和硝酸铜1若该行划线单词错误,请在序号右边横线上写出正确的词;2若该行有漏词符号(∧),请在序号右边横线上写出漏词符号,并写上该加的词。3若该行划线单词多余,请在序号右边横线上写出该词,且用斜线(\)划掉;4若该行划线单词没错,请在序号右边横线上打钩(√)。 We’ve just moved in a house and we want to 1. buy a new color television set, and I’m not 2. sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. one. If we buy a small one, we may have 4.to change for it in a few years’ time for a bigger 5.one. My husband(丈夫) thinks it’s no necessary to buy 6. a very big one. He said our sitting room isn’t very 7. big. If we put in a very big television, they will 8. be good for our eye. Anyway, we’d better make 9. ∧quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10.
化学 试题推荐