
A. Just imagine and recall. B. Visit the memory palace. C. Fix the images in the mind. D. Find elements in the palace. E. Choose your memory palace. F. Start simple and practice often. How to Use the Memory Palace Technique to Boost Memory The basic principle of the memory palace technique is that in your imagination, if you can find your way around a place and leave things on the way, then the next time you take a trip to the same place, you would be able to find the things there. This technique makes memorizing as easy as finding your way around your house. 61 .   Pick a place “疏”是中国古代一种重要的文体,如汉代贾谊的《论积贮疏》、唐代魏征的《谏太宗十思疏》。下列有关“疏”的正确解释是 A.科举考试中用于回答命题者问题的一种文体 B.表述某种意见或事情的一种文体 C.是臣下向皇帝分条陈述意见的一种文体     D.委婉规劝上级的一种文体
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