
One cold day in winter, my wife and I were walking back home from the grocery store as usual when we suddenly decided to walk into a coffee shop. My wife ordered a coffee at the counter. Just then, I saw a young woman in her thirties helping with a rather weak Mexican woman into the shop. Maybe it was the gentleness of their difficult experiences or an unclear familiarity (熟悉) with the situation that drew my full attention. I immediately had a strong wish to do something for them. Unfortunately, before I could think of anything reasonable to say, they left the coffee shop without oRt△ABC中,∠BAC=90°,AB=3,AC=4,P为边BC上一动点,PE⊥AB于E,PF⊥AC于F,M为EF中点,则AM的最小值为________.
英语 试题推荐