
江畔独步寻花 (5分)      黄四娘家花满蹊,千朵万朵压枝低。     留连戏蝶时时舞,自在娇莺恰恰啼。【小题1】、诗中哪两个字写出了花的繁茂?(2分)【小题2】、诗的第三句中“留连”改为“翻飞”好不好?为什么?(3分) 答案:【小题1】满、压(2分)【小题1】不好,“翻飞”只写出了蝴蝶嬉戏花间的情状,而“留连不仅写出了蝴蝶留恋花间的情态景”,还流露出诗人对花的喜爱之情。(3分)解析:略The ability to forgive others is a great thing that can certainly help to make life happier for everyone. However, some people think that it is very     1     to do, and they don’t know how to forgive others, especially their family and friends. This is all because they don’t understand the meaning of “forgiveness”. In the dictionary, “to forgive” means “to     2     feeling angry with somebody that has done something bad to you.” I’m happy that many people have     3     in doing this. I have succeeded, too, and I know how hard it is. I lived with a friend for two years. During that time, he did cause me many     4    . I easily got angry when communicating with him. However, we     5     had a talk about our problems. When he pointed out (指出) that I wasn’t treating him like a friend, I was     6    . I never knew that I also needed to be forgiven for doing something wrong. I thought however     7     I might get, I did love my friend deep in my heart. Then I understood the saying, “To love is to forgive.” And when we     8     each other, we feel great. After that long talk, we both     9     those bad moments. Our friendship became fresh again.  Now I understand the     10     of forgiveness better. 1.A. useless            B. difficult        C. strange          D. late 2.A. stop               B. suffer           C. keep             D. consider 3.A. spent              B. continued        C. succeeded        D. enjoyed 4.A. dangers            B. mistakes         C. questions        D. problems 5.A. firstly            B. finally          C. suddenly         D. always 6.A. surprised          B. excited          C. satisfied        D. bored 7.A. worried            B. frightened       C. angry            D. nervous 8.A. control            B. help             C. protect          D. forgive 9.A. learn              B. forget           C. imagine          D. consider 10.A. meaning           B. purpose          C. process          D. reason
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