
    It is widely believed that robots will star(担任主角) in human’s future life. But how soon will it be before robots become so intelligent that they will be able to do things, such as teaching languages or looking after patients in hospital? Some experts believe this will  happen within twenty years while others disagree.     One London company, UAS(University Automated Systems) has already developed machines that can be used as “home helps” for old people unable to look after themselves and those who are living on their own or in special homes. These machines can n对下列文中划横线的语句该如何准确翻译成现代汉语?士不以利移,不为患改 , 孝敬忠信之事立,虽死而不悔。智而用私,不如愚而用公,故曰巧伪不如拙诚。学问不倦,所以治己也;教诲不厌,所以治人也。所以贵虚无(注)者,得以应变而合时也。 ——(《说苑》) (注)虚无:虚心、谦虚的意思。(1)以利移,不为患改(2)如拙诚(3)倦,所以治己也(4)贵虚无者,得以应变而合时也
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