
E COURSE: Introduction to American History INSTRUCTOR: Dr Jane Klammer OFFICE: 305 Marshall Hall OFFICE HOURS: 11: 15~12: 30 M W F (Monday Wednesday Friday) CLASS: 363 Marshall Hall 3: 35~5: 00 T Th (Tuesday Thursday); 10: 10~ 11: 00 M W F; Other time by appointment TELEPHONE: 255 4786 TEXTBOOK: The American Tradition: A History of the United States (written by Green& Robert. Published by Ohio State University Press, 1973), which is bought at the College Bookstore. Attendance is not required, but you are responsible for all the information given in the class lectures. In the lectures I wil20.欲用18.4mol•L-1的浓硫酸配制成浓度为0.5mol•L-1的稀硫酸500ml.(1)选用的仪器有:①量筒 ②烧杯 ③玻璃棒 ④500mL容量瓶,⑤胶头滴管.(2)下列各操作正确的顺序为A、E、F、D、C、B.A.用量筒量取浓H2SO4                 B.反复颠倒摇匀       C.用胶头滴管加蒸馏水至刻度线D.洗涤所用仪器2至3次,洗涤液也转入容量瓶中      E.稀释浓H2SO4       F.将溶液转入容量瓶(3)简要回答下列问题:①所需浓硫酸的体积为13.6mL.②浓硫酸稀释后在转入容量瓶前应恢复至室温,否则会使浓度偏高.③定容时必须使溶液液面与刻度线相切,若俯视会使浓度偏高.
英语 试题推荐