
If you're 70 and overweight, you may live longer A few extra pounds might help you live longer if you're past your prime(壮年) but otherwise healthy, a new study finds.     Physicians routinely follow guidelines issued by the World Health Organization. Because weight depends on height, they use a standard measure called body mass index (BMI), which is calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared.     Healthy weight is defined as a BMI anywhere between 18.5 and 24.9 in adults, whereas 25 to 29.9 is overweight and 30+ is obese.     The new study sugges 下列句子翻译正确的一项是 [  ] A.菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻。 译:对于菊花的爱好,陶渊明以后听到就觉得很新鲜了。 B.造化钟神秀。 译:大自然钟情于神奇和秀丽。 C.盗窃乱贼而不作。 译:盗窃、造反和害人的事坚决不去做。 D.居右者椎髻仰面,左手倚一衡木,右手攀右趾,若啸呼状。 译:在右边的那个人梳着椎形发髻,仰着脸,左手靠着一根横木,右手摸着右脚趾,好像在嘬起嘴唇啸呼的样子。
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