
 ______ what her mother said to her, she can now face all her difficulties bravely. A. Because of          B. As                     C. For                          D. Because 答案:A  Should you play video games or not? That's always a hot topic (话题) .  Video games aren't a w (1)       of time. They are like going to the computer school. But they are more interesting than that. People will learn all k (2) of things to get games working on their computers.  Games get your brain (脑子) to work faster. When you play games,you have to work out w (3)       to do in a very short time. Your brain,eyes and hands must work q (4)       It makes you free from school work and helps you e (5) yourself and relax.  But wait,you'd better not take this as an e (6) to play computer games all day. If you sit for a long time in front of a computer,your hands,back and eyes will get h (7)       Children shouldn't sit at a computer for more than 30 minutes w (8)       a rest.  Now you will be a        (9) to answer the question of w (10)       to "play the video game or not". Whatever you answer,remember not to let it affect (影响) your study or health. Rest your eyes and body often. Moreover,you should also avoid unhealthy games.1. w        2. k       3. w       4. q       5. e      6. e       7. h       8. w          9. a       10. w       
英语 试题推荐