
When I was a child, I had to go to church and obey many other rules, though these rules at times caused resentment (怨恨). Perhaps the most extreme parenting decision my parents made for my four brothers and sisters and me was to create a home environment without a television. We hated this decision at that time, because there was seemingly no way to keep this embarrassing fact a secret at school. Naturally, simple pleasures like cartoons, football games, and movies became huge novelties (新奇事物). I would go over to friends’ or relatives’ houses for that access alone. When菠菜浸泡在清水中,清水不变色;用开水浸泡菠菜后,水会变成绿色。这是因为开水损坏了菠菜细胞的什么结构?(   ) A.细胞壁                B.细胞膜                C.细胞质                D.细胞核
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