
I had a quarrel with my drunken husband and left home with my little daughters. Not knowing where to 1 for the night, I called 911 for help. The officer came up and 2 a shelter center for us for the night. However, when we got there, we had to leave as it was too crowded to find a bed. 3 , the woman at the center helped us find a hotel which would 4 us up for three free nights.   On our way to the hotel, the driver, who was an African American, was very 5 and easygoing. 6 my experience, she expressed her 7 . When asked if I had any money, I told her I wasn’t allowed to bri下列对我国气候的评价,正确的是(  )A.夏季普遍高温,全国各地热量都很充足B.高温期和多雨期一致,水热配合较好C.季风强弱不够稳定,常造成水涝灾害D.寒潮、台风常给我国带来丰沛的降水
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