
If you took the strengths of others and compared them to your weaknesses, would this make you feel good? The funny thing is that this is what most of us do at one time or another—and some of us do it pretty often. It's a sure-fire recipe for a drop in self-confidence and for unhappiness. So how can we stop comparing ourselves with others? Here are some tips I've found useful. Awareness. Most often we do these social comparisons without realizing we're doing it. It's a natural act, I suppose. So the solution is to become aware. If you focus on these thoughts for a few days, it will b3. 读课文第四至八自然段,回答问题。(1)摘抄一句描写风筝飞得高的句子。(2)词语“         ”和“      ”写出了风筝飞走时“我们”紧张、着急的样子。词语“          ”和“         ”表现了“我们”失去风筝时的伤心。(3)文章结尾没有写“我们”向磨坊跑去是否能找到风筝,这属于开放型结尾,给读者留下了           的空间。
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