
《货币变局》一书中提到:“伴随英镑衰落的是美元的崛起,一个新的时代被开启了。或许,这是一个最好的时代”。这一“时代”的开启(    ) A.加速了布雷顿森林体系瓦解 B.加强了资本主义世界经济合作 C.缓和了美苏争霸造成的紧张局势 D.推动了欧洲的一体化进程 答案:B 【解析】 试题分析:本题主要考查学生回忆、再现所学知识,比较、分析,并作出正确认知和准确判断的能力。根据题干信息,本题实际上考查布雷顿森林体系相关内容。结合所学知识,分析、判断选项,可知:AC两项的表述明显不符合二战后初期的相关史实,排除AC。D项表述不准确,欧洲一体化主小题1:The present came to the school in p_________.小题2: We’ve r_________ the workers with machines.小题3: John is a good student. It’s unlikely that he’ll s_______ classes.小题4:He a_______ himself to the cold weather.小题5: You can watch the match on the Internet in r_______ time.小题6:Christmas is the most important t__________ festival in the western countries.小题7:The teacher was s__________ with the boy’s answer.小题8:Without her family’s s_______, she couldn’t achieved her goal.小题9:She e_______ her younger daughter at home every day.小题10: If you want to learn English well, you must first find a c______ teacher.
历史 试题推荐