
There was once a merchant(商人) who kept a donkey. They     41     all over the countryside, buying and selling different kinds of things. One day the merchant heard that salt was being sold     42     at the seaside. “I can get a fine price for that in the villages in the mountains,” he thought and then he set off with his     43     to buy some. The merchant bought a good supply and loaded it on the donkey’s back. All went well     44     they came to a narrow pass in the mountains with a deep stream flowing through it. The merchant was leading日本九州岛一个7英亩的水稻农场建立了下图所示的发展模式,读图回答下列问题。(13分) (1)这种农业地域类型属于________农业。(2分) (2)下列属于该种农业发展模式特点的是(多选)(4分)(  ) A.形成了湿地稻田养泥鳅、养鸭复合生态系统 B.农业产出大 C.农产品多样化,对市场的适应性强 D.农业生产不使用除草剂、杀虫剂、化肥,环境效益高 (3)简要分析该农场建立这种农业发展模式的有利和不利条件。(4分) (4)此种农业发展模式,在我国什么地区可以借鉴?(3分)
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