
秦朝实行郡县制和隋唐时期的科举制度,在历史上发挥的共同作用是(    )    A.加强了中央集权                      B.激化了社会矛盾    C.打破了世袭特权                           D.推进了民主政治进程 答案:C从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。A. What's your telephone number?B. Are you a student?C. Goodbye.D. What's your name?E. Nice to meet you.A: Hi, B: Nice to meet you, too.A: B: My name is Peter.A: B: Yes, I am.A: B: My telephone number is 027-86754.A: OK, welcome to our school. Bye-bye.B:
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