
下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是(    ) A.防范  征候  辩证法  融会贯通  潜移默化 B.钞票  汲取  订货单  妍媸必露  一笔勾销 C.稗官  缅怀  戴手饰  宛然可见  茶坊酒肆w@w!w$.k#s%5u D.提炼  棉密  明是非  礼尚往来  颠三倒四   答案:AB项妍媸毕露;C项戴首饰;D项绵密。  词汇运用1.You need warm clothes to ________(保护) you against cold.2.It is impossible to make up the ________(失去的) time.3.I am afraid you can't sit here. sir. This seat is ________(预订的).4.Famers used to ________(捕猎) us and the rhinos.5.He ________(申请) for a job as an English teacher.6.I wrote a letter ________(建议) that he should carry out the plan at once.7.It ________(包含) a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.8.The new government will come to ________(掌权) next month.9.Our city will have ________(有效的) measures to stop the pollution.10.The dog just ________(咬) me in the leg.
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