
李大钊写道“圆明两度昆明劫,鹤化千年未忍归。一曲悲笳吹不尽,残灰犹共晚烟飞。”“两度劫”发生在(    ) ①鸦片战争;②第二次鸦片战争;③中日甲午战争;④八国联军侵华; A.②③         B.①③   C.①④       D.②④ 答案:D26、 SUMMERFIELD  SCHOOL REPORT Term: Spring   Name: Jane Elizabeth Pringle    Age: 15 Subjects Teacher’s comments Grades English Though she likes writing notes to her friends ,she doesn’t like writing compositions at all. I believe she can do better. B- Math She is good at math ,but lazy. She hardly pays attention and spends most of her time annoying the boy who sits in front of her .She must concentrate. B Foreign language She will never succeed in learning foreign languages if she keeps on talking in English. B- History Getting better B+ Geography Nice work A- Art Very good—likes drawing pictures of her teachers. A- Physical Education Excellent Games Excellent Music Fair Conduct(行为) Fair General: Jane is still a bit of a tomboy , and she often gets into trouble with her teachers. She likes talking during lessons. She is good at games and especially likes playing football with the boys and climbing trees. She must take things more seriously. 根据上表判断下列语句是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F 1.Jane often annoys her classmate in math classes. 2.Jane does best in P.E. 3.Jane is good at writing compositions. 4.She needs to work hard at learning languages ,or she will fail in them. 5.According to the form, we can know Jane has got ten subjects.
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