
    Everybody loves a good wedding and I'm no exception. I've been to a load of them in my native Britain and I must say that I usually have a great time. Most recently I went to one in the mountains of Sardinia and I really enjoyed this one for the differences from those in the UK.     First, the two families spent three weeks before the big day preparing all the food, from wonderful home-made delicacies to simple traditional breads and pastas. In my experience, in the UK that hardest task is left to the caterers(承办酒席的人)!    This particular ceremony was in a beaut如图所示,一物块受到一个水平力F作用静止于斜面上,此力F的方向与斜面平行,如果将力F撤去,下列对物块的描述正确的是( )A.物块将沿斜面下滑B.物块受到的摩擦力变大C.物块立即获得加速度D.物块所受的摩擦力方向改变
英语 试题推荐