
第二节:短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured. The manager of the office ask him how old his parents were when they were died. “Mother had a bad heart and passed away at age of 30. Father died of tuberculosis (肺结核) when he was 35.” “I’ m very sorry,” said the manager, “We can’ t insure our life as your parents were not health” Disappointing, the man left the office. He met a clerk who had listened their talk. “You mustn’t be so frank and tell the truth.” said the clerk. “Not offic阅读图文材料,回答下列问题。材料一图甲为某国家部分领土示意图;图乙是甲河中上游某测站的径流量分配图。材料二堰塞湖是由火山熔岩流、冰啧物或山崩滑坡体等堵截山谷、河谷或河床后贮水而形成的湖泊。堵截山谷的档水体统称为堰塞体。图示山区有众多堰塞湖分布,近几年来受到全球气侯变化、地质灾害等因素的影响,有些堰塞湖会在短时间内迅速消失。图丙为堰塞湖示意图。(1)与40度南侧相比,描述北侧聚落分布的特点并分析原因。(10分)(2)评价甲河中上游水能开发的自然条件,并说明理由。(8分)(3)推断图示山区中堰塞湖迅速消失可能的自然原因。(6分)
英语 试题推荐