
毛.泽东在《新民主主义论》中指出:“一定的文化是一定社会的政治和经济的反映”,根据这一原理,下列搭配正确的是                               (   )①百家争鸣——春秋战国时期,社会大变革 ②新文化运动——辛亥革命后,民族资本主义经济进一步发展 ③“双百”方针——三大改造完成,社会主义制度初步建立 ④《人间喜剧》——19世纪中叶,欧洲资本主义国家社会矛盾日趋尖锐A.①②③④B.①②③C.①②④D.阅读下列短文,为每小题选出最佳选项。BWhen old Mr Chow was a young man, he went to visit his uncle in the city. His wife and children met him at the train station when he arrived back in the countryside. When he got off the train, his wife asked, "Did you miss us?""Yes, I missed you all. There's no place like home. Life in the city was strange. Uncle Tom lives in a modern neighbourhood (居住区), People go up to their homes in a big box." Mr Chow said."You look tired." said Mrs Chow."Yes, I need to sleep. I couldn't sleep at night because the light was much brighter (更亮)than the candle in our house.""Why didn't you blow it out?" asked Mrs Chow."I tried (尝试)to, but it was in a glass ball." said Mr Chow.(1)Mr Chow and his family lived in the.A.cityB.countrysideC.town(2)Mr Chow travelled home.A.by carB.by trainC.by underground(3)Did Mr Chow know how to turn off (关掉)the light?'A.Yes, he did.B.Yes, it did.C.No, he didn't.(4)I think the "big box" is a.A.lift (电梯)B.boxC.house(5)Which do you think is Mr Chow's "candle in a glass ball"?A.B.C.
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