
YANG YUANQING, Lenovo’s boss, hardly spoke a word of English until he was about 40: he grew up in rural poverty and read engineering at university. But when Lenovo bought IBM’s personal-computer division in 2005 he decided to immerse himself in English: he moved his family to North Carolina, hired a language tutor and -- the ultimate sacrifice -- spent hours watching cable-TV news. Lenovo is one of a growing number of multinationals from the non-Anglophone world that have made English their official language. The fashion began in places with small populations but global ambitions su两只已消毒的体温计,一只水银柱已被甩回玻璃泡,另一只示数仍为37.8℃.若甲同时用这两只体温计测体温,得出示数分别为37.6℃和 37.8℃,而乙同时用这两只体温计测体温,得出38.1℃的相同温度,则下列说法正确的是A.甲体温为37.6℃,乙体温为38.1℃ B.甲体温为37.8℃,乙体温为38.1℃ C.无法得出两人的体温D.以上说法均不正确
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