
What is EQ? In the early 1990s, Dr. John Mayer, Ph.D., and Dr. Peter Salovey, Ph.D., introduced the term “emotional intelligence” in the Journal of Personality Assessment. They used this term to describe a person’s ability to understand his or her own emotions and the emotions of others and to act properly based on this understanding. Then in 1995, psychologist Daniel Goleman popularized this term with his book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. EQ gives you a competitive advantage. Even at Bell Labs, where everyone is smart, studies find that the most respected and 读下图,完成以下问题。(1)下列关于图中a、b两国的叙述,正确的是 ( )A.a国首都比b国首都纬度高B.两国所跨经度都属于东经范围C.a国位于西半球,b国位于东半球D.a国时间比b国晚(2)下列有关a、b两国自然地理特征的叙述,不正确的是 ( )A.两国均属于岛国B.a国地处大西洋西岸,b国地处太平洋西岸C.a国属于温带海洋性气候,b国属于温带季风气候和亚热带季风气候D.a国石油资源比较丰富,b国石油资源非常丰富
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