
综合性学习。(8分) 我们的家乡泉州旅游资源丰富,文化底蕴深厚,自然景观与人文景观交相辉映。请你结合参加综合性学习“旅游资源调查”的收获,完成下列题目。 (1)为宣传泉州旅游文化拟写一句广告词。(2分)                                                                        (2)假如你是一位导游,请选择你最了解的一个景点,并简要介绍其特点(1+3=4分) 景点名称:                 主Welcome to www. Baby.comToday’s SalePriceTime leftMini Fridge100% New!Mail Charge(邮费): $3$6521d5h32mCanon Eos digital XS 450D Camera4 Lenses, 8GB, Much more!100$ New!Mail Charge: free&8764h1.This shop _____A. is an online shop B. sells clothesC. looks after babies D. will close down soon2.How much will you pay if you want to buy a mini fridge? _____A. $65 B. $68 C. $876 D. $33.Within _____ from now on, we can buy the Canon camera.A. one hour B. nearly one montC. four hours D. 32 minutes
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