
 Finally, this week’s comedy “Tomorrow’s Another Day” at the Cambridge MGM cinema, is another one in the long line of successes from director Peter Hamin. This one has an unusual story line. Just imagine this; one day Mickey Style , a TV reporter, goes off to make a program about an exciting film festival in Canada. On his first morning there he wakes up, the sun is shining, the birds are singing , and life just couldn’t be better. He works through the day , goes to bed; wakes up the next morning… to find it’s the same day! The same sun, the same birds singing in the same tree, 依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是①古人送别,也是一种雅人深致。古时交通不便,一去不知多久,再见不知何年,所以南浦唱支骊歌,灞桥折条杨柳,甚至在阳关敬一杯酒,都有      。②“商标战”作为正常商战策略,      ,但是要求卖家商户做出“二选一”,就了正常的商业竞争。③我们的古人在泼墨为文之际,      是沉郁至极的时候,词语依然有温润的秩序,词章的转化都在规则之间。A.意味无可厚非违背即使 B.趣味无可厚非违背即使 C.意味无可非议违反虽然 D.趣味无可非议违反虽然
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